Variety of Donuts for The Santa Fe Opera's Production of "Righteous", 2024 
Arm Chair for The Santa Fe Opera's Apprentice Night, Night One of "Albert Herring", 2024 
Responsible for reupholstery and cushion fabrication
Photo credits C. Stanley Photography
Spring Window for Anthropologie, 2025
Responsible for mural and on glass polycrylic finish
Maeve letters and Spring Layers for Anthropologie, 2025​​​​​​​
Pilcro Lightbox Sign for Anthropologie, 2025
Agave Planters for The Santa Fe Opera's Production of "Righteous", 2024 
Responsible for floral arrangement and foam and dirt construction
Photo credits Curtis Brown @curtisbrownphotography
Food Spread for The Santa Fe Opera's Apprentice Night, Night Two of "Falstaff", 2024 
Responsible for art direction, cornbread, jello fabrication, and kabab assembly
Photo credits C. Stanley Photography
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